Frequent questions
Climate Heroes
To our professional clients, we provide them with a RUUUTS plate identifying them as Climate Heroes, as subscribers to wines that fight against climate change.
We send you the plate in three formats:
- digital, so they can show it off on their websites or on their social networks
- adhesive, so they can show it off on the door of their premises
- the RUUUTS plaque, which is a honeycomb cardboard plaque with the CLIMATE HERO logo printed on it so that they can put it on the door of their premises or inside the rooms
Climate Hero plates are exclusively for professional customers. Restaurants, wine bars and specialty shops.
Individual Ruuuts subscribers receive their environmental certificate.
Carbon footprint calculation
Our carbon footprint calculator is based on the methodology of Zero Food Print, a North American NGO specialized in calculating the carbon footprint of restaurants for years.
Zero Food Print - 'Humanitarian of the year 2020' award by the James Beard Foundation
No. The calculation according to the Zero Food Print methodology is a highly reliable approximate calculation. It is important to note that this is an average calculation, so there will be restaurants that will be harmed and others that will benefit from this calculation.
The exact calculation of a carbon footprint is a very complex job for which there is an official government calculator and different entities that, after an audit, make a very precise estimated calculation.
We are of the opinion that delving into sustainability and the goal of being Zero Carbon Footprint should not be a complex process and even less so costly in resources and time, which is why we offer this system, free of charge, in order to encourage as many professionals as possible to embark on the path of sustainability and aim for carbon neutrality as a strategic business objective.
Emission absorption calculations
There are different methods of calculating the absorption of emissions through the planting of trees and other flora.
We have opted for the system of Winrock International, a North American NGO specialized in reforestation because we found it very precise.
To calculate absorptions, Winrock International takes into account the area to be reforested each year, the species of trees and flora to be used and the exact location of the environmental project.
From there, a CO2 emissions absorption table is generated, the initial calculation of which is after 20 years. There is no data below 20 years.
We, with data from Winrock International and projections from the Chair of Forest Yield Sciences at the Technical University of Munich, prepared a table of emissions from 20 years to 200 years of life of each tree.
For our calculations, for the RUUUTS FIGURE we use the 20-year calculation, although the species we plant can live up to 600 years.
Yes, definitely.
In our environmental plan we plant oaks and chestnut trees and take care of them during the first 3 years to guarantee a very high survival of the individuals.
With a life expectancy of up to 700 years, an oak or chestnut tree could absorb up to 35 times the RUUUTS NUMBER
Electricity consumption tables as well as fuel consumption tables are available to anyone who wants to spend enough time finding them. Once we have the CO2 absorption figures, it is mathematically simple to translate it into, for example, kilometers traveled by an unleaded gasoline car. Or a bus. Or by subway.
'Zero Carbon Footprint' Restaurants
We have two types of certificates: the planting and emissions absorption certificate, which is for everyone; restaurants, wine bars, shops, individuals... all Ruuuts customers receive theirs.
It is a certificate where the number of trees planted on behalf of each client and their calculation of CO2 absorption appear, updated to date.
Apart from this RUUUTS certificate, there are certificates from the subCerO2 program, only for restaurants.
In these certificates, the calculation of the client's carbon footprint and the calculation of absorptions appear.
While the carbon footprint is higher than the absorptions, the certificate is yellow, it means that the restaurant has not yet offset 100% of its emissions.
When absorption exceeds the carbon footprint, the certificate turns green, and means that the restaurant has achieved its 'ZERO EMISSIONS' status in our subCerO2 program.
Once a month by email. We send the updated certificate, that is, with the totals up to the date of that certificate.
Restaurants that have their carbon footprint calculated by certifying entities only have to send us the information so that we can incorporate it into their RUUUTS certificate.